History We Can't Afford to Repeat

Over the last week or so, my opponent, Robert Restaino, in partnership with Nick D’Angelo at the Niagara Falls Reporter, have abandoned all but the slightest pretense of being honest about me and my record, making ludicrous claims in print and online that are not only false, but show an unfortunate lack of foresight.

As I’ve said before, it is my hope that both Mr. Restaino and I continue to live in this community for many years to come. Needless and desperate lies should have no place in any campaign, much less in a city of this size. However, I understand that some people will do anything to get their way, no matter who they hurt in the process.

I’ve been very honest and forthright about why I believe Mr. Restaino is not the appropriate person to serve Niagara Falls as its Mayor. His record speaks for itself, with no embellishment required. Until now, much of the information related to his removal from the bench by the New York State Judicial Conduct Commission has been inaccessible to the public, except through FOIL request. That is why I’m making sure all documents related to this case are available to the public. No commentary. Just facts. Feel free to have a look and decide for yourself.

The link below will take you to the documents, which will remain available for any member of the public to search and consider as they see fit: https://bit.ly/2IsL0rL

Seth Piccirillo